Tuesday, May 15, 2012

German Empress aka Deutsche Kaiserin

German Empress aka Deutsche Kaiserin and possibly other names, is said to be hard to grow.  Perhaps I just got lucky.  The plant itself may deteriorate over time, but I do have a back-up potted elsewhere. Only time will tell.  In any case, when this one had buds, I left it alone out of curiosity, instead of pinching them off, to witness for myself the very slow opening of the flower over a span of weeks.  The first photo was taken perhaps three weeks after initially noticing the buds, and the last photo taken about two to three weeks after.

Cerenia A. Markey

Cerenia A. Markey didn't come out as I expected but undeniably addition to the first-time bloomers of 2012. It's an awesome grower and seems content with being a part of my Epiphyllum collection.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Impossible Dream

Impossible Dream isn't naturally with the wavy petals as shown.  The bud sort of developed a bit abnormally, but as with other blooming plants in my collection, I left it alone and just waited for it to unfold and this is what resulted.  It came out to be quite remarkable, which means the normal bloom next year might end up less interesting. 

Three Oranges

Three Oranges is one of my all-time favorites.  It's ironic that I have three different blooms on this still maturing plant, but each are just a reminder of why I'm so fond of the hybrid.  It's definitely a fast grower and a wonderful bloomer.  The different tones of orange are just captivating that whenever someone inquires about an orange one, I always recommend this one.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blushing Star

Blushing Star was one of the first five Epiphyllums I started off with.  Considering it's been over a year of having the plant in my collection, it was definitely a great joy to see in bloom.  Surprisingly, it has matured with tons of buds waiting to unleash its loveliness.  So, I'll be seeing it bloom blushes of dark rose-pink for some time. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dragon Heart

Dragon Heart has a striking yet appealing name but it has a fitting look. Supposedly, each bloom from the same plant can vary in appearanc.  I missed the bloom by a day or two, so the flower was just starting to fade, but it definitely stood out among the other blooming plants. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wedding Bells

Wedding Bells is a lovely small bloom with white and pink petals.  The plant is still rooting.  Techinically, I should pinch off any blooms on rooting plants, but I just couldn't resist seeing this bloom myself. 


Calisto was one of my first epiphyllums that bloomed.  It was practically the one that lured me into wanting more for my collection.  A beautiful white with outer yellow petals.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Coral Dance

Coral Dance - I've been waiting for this one to bloom since last year, so it definitely a worthwhile wait considering it bloomed abundantly.

Shangri La

Another unexpected bloom - Shangri La.  It's definitely a beautiful one.  I acquired the plant as a bonus and in comparison to other Shangri La epiphyllums, this appears to be variegated.  Nonetheless, it makes it strikingly attractive.  I was fortunate to capture the stages of blooming.